Escapism (n.) the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
As a child, I would stare out the window if we were driving on the highway pretending to be in a music video or movie. As a teenager, I would plug in my headphones and blast music to ignore the world around me. And now, as an adult, I lay on the ground and stare at the LED lights in my room while creating other worlds in my head to stay sane in ours.
I've learned over time that this is called "escapism." I've also learned that I am what professionals call a "maladaptive daydreamer." My main trigger? Music. Being able to create detailed scenarios and nonexistent social interactions after simply hearing a beat and a melody. So please join me, in exploring the vast worlds created by the most simple of minds, and hopefully you can find that we are not as alone as we thought we were.
- Amanda Lopez, Rhapsody Rhetoric